Discover how to tint your CR-39® lenses in a semi-industrial production and create color gradients on CR-39® lenses

// 21 Juni 2022 //

TCN visited the premises of the eyewear company Novacel, one of its loyal customers based in Château-Thierry. The purpose was to discover their organic lens tinting semi-industrial process, using TCN’s CRX powders.

CRX dyeing powders are suitable to tint CR-39® organic lenses. They can be used in small or large productions.

Watch our demo video on the Novacel’s dyeing process:

CRX dyeing powders allow you to obtain plain color results or to create gradients.

Novacel tints 6,000 lenses a day. Lotfi Mouine, Tint Laboratory Manager, reveals his technique to make color gradations on his CR-39® lenses, using TCN’s CRX dyes.

  • First, start by marking your CR-39® lens to keep up with the process,
  • Put your lens on pliers and place it so that your landmark is upwards,
  • Dip the lower part of your organic lens in a coloration bath,
  • Proceed to tint your organic lens by dipping it in the bath little by little, to gradually color the upper parts,
  • Take the upper parts out of the bath little by little, following the same method, and avoid to get your lens completely out of the bath,
  • Continue to dye the organic lens by immersing again the upper parts, then take it out, and repeat for how much time you want, depending on the intensity of the shade and the gradation that you want to get,
  • Take your CR-39® lens out of the coloration bath, rinse it immediately with warm water and wipe it.
  • If you want to make another gradation on your organic lens, leave it in the same way to tint over the shade that you just made, or turn it to dye another part. If you want to tint the non-colored part of your lens, turn it to direct your landmark downwards.
  • Make a new gradation, using the same tinting process.

You can create gradient colors manually, but also using an equipment, that will allow you to color numerous lenses at once.

To read Novacel’s testimonial, click here: